The Bop Shop 6.23.24 -John Mayall-

In the college dormitory scene during 1968 there were only a few people who actually owned record players. Those that did controlled the so-called soundtrack of our then lives. It meant that certain lps were in rotation and those were played and replayed a lot. It did create a climate of monotony. But there were exceptions. Upon occasion, in celebration of the revolutionary spirit of the times, I stole control of the wheel of steel. What with hot biscuits of which you could not get enough. And that’s where “The Bear” by the multifaceted John Mayall slips in. Especially gripping being guitarist Mick Taylor’s 1:00 minute psychedelic, rallying, chiming, vintage, edgy reverb intro that drops onto a tight boogie bed, upon wherein the tune finally takes its rest. An indispensable audio document for ones proper theological training.

john mayall, “the bear”

from: blues from laurel canyon, 1968

I’ve been living with the Bear
In a big house full of blues
Going back through the years
Hear any record you choose
The sun is shining down
And the Bear is rolling in the shade
Everybody is gonna boogie
Blues roll night and day
Turn on all of the people
Who got no place to stay
All the men of Canned Heat
Are part of my family
I’m gonna remember
The things they did for me
I got to be moving
They call me Wandering John
I’ll see you, old Bear
I’ll be back ‘fore long
— J.M.
writing about music is like dancing about architecture
— Elvis Costello